
L.Brador launches new families

Finally, we can present L.Brador's new families. To make it easier for you to find what you need for your workday, they have chosen to divide the assortment into different collections, each with a clear focus. Regardless of the collection, quality, comfort, and design remain at the center as L.Brador develops workwear. We hope that you will now find your favorites even more easily.



Our Aereo garments are characterized by being lighter and airier. The garments keep you cooler and fresher during your working day. Workmove Aereo takes your comfort to a whole new level without compromising on the hardwearing characteristics you have come to expect from Workmove. Complete with appropriate Aereo-top and you will have a more comfortable day at work.

Learn more about Heavy and view the entire range here:


No matter what challenges you face during your working day, you can be sure that your Heavy workwear will be able to handle them. Day in, day out. And even though the garments are made from hardwearing materials, they are also packed with smart details such as weather protection, stretch panels, ventilation and generous pockets. As well as plenty of other weighty arguments.

Learn more about Heavy and view the entire range here:


Momentum is the collection that gives you freedom of movement during your work day. The garments have stretch properties that brings new perspectives on what mobility is actually about. If you have high demands on mobility and comfort, the Momentum collection are just right for you. Discover Momentum for a comfortable working day.

Learn more about Momentum and view the entire range here:


Omnio is the collection for you who may work as a janitor or installer - or you are referred to as the company's "all-in-all" - the person who solves everything. If so, you will likely find your perfect work clothes among our Omnio garments. Mix and match with our other families to optimize your working day.

Learn more about Omnio and view the entire range here: