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  • Laddar

First Aid/Burns Kit Cederroth

First Aid/Burns Kit Cederroth

Product information

Mobile first aid kit for treating burns. Burn Gel products cool and relieve pain in first and second-degree burns. With burn compresses in three different sizes, including large 30 x 40 cm compress/face mask.

The kit contains:

1 pc. Burn Gel 100 ml 51011005

1 Burn Gel Dressing/Face mask 30 x 40 cm 51011014

4 pcs. Burn Gel Dressing 10 x 10 cm 901900

2 pcs. Burn Gel Dressing 20 x 20 cm 51011015

1 pc. Cederroth Bloodstopper 4-in-1 1910

1 pc. Net Dressing

6 pcs. Elasticated Bandage 6 x 8 cm

2 pairs Gloves

1 pc. Scissors 270002

First Aid Instructions

Burn Treatment Instructions
