Chemicals are a part of our daily life, both at home and in the workplace. Some are dangerous and some are harmless, but it can be said that there are chemicals that are more dangerous than many people think. One may think that our skin protects us from chemicals in general, but this is not the case. Chemicals can migrate (enter) into the body through the skin. Typical less pleasant chemicals are, for example, acetone and lacquer thinner.
The consequences that chemicals have on the body depend on which chemicals they are. There are about 140,000 different chemicals in our society. The degree of damage ranges from irritated skin to death in the worst case.
Examples of chemical risks in the workplace are almost endless, some examples are: battery acid, acetone, lacquer thinner, turpentine, ammonia, paint, various solvents, adhesives, oils, fuels, etc.
When there are chemical risks, you need different types of protection depending on the amount of chemicals, the characteristics of the chemicals, and the exposure time.
In some cases, the right gloves and goggles are enough to protect yourself. In other cases, one should have full cover clothing and respiratory protection. Overall, it can be said that a well-performed needs analysis is very important when exposed to chemical risks.
Skydda Europe in Bergman & Beving koncern.