
Our responsibility

HSE policy

Skydda must identify and understand the customer's needs and strive for solutions that create value both for us and for our customer. Our customers must feel secure in getting the right product at the right time, where we offer products and services with the best quality at the lowest total cost. We strive for good and professional relationships with our stakeholders and that each employee is involved in their own and the Group's quality work through continuous improvements.

Work Environment Policy

Our goal is to, in collaboration between employers and employees, create as good work environment as possible in order to be an attractive and competitive employer. A good work environment is a prerequisite for being able to perform at the top and is thus an important means of competition and a strategic issue. Laws and other requirements in the work environment area must be complied with to prevent injuries and ill health. The company's work environment, which includes both physical and psychosocial factors, must be characterized by commitment, efficiency, willingness to change and responsibility.

The Bergman & Beving Group gives all the Group's employees equal opportunities regardless of skin color, gender, age, nationality, religion, ethnicity, disability or other distinctive characteristics. The Group does not allow discrimination or harassment.

The work environment must:

  • Be characterized by a committed leadership and good competence in all positions.
  • Be characterized by respect and trust for each other and stimulate the will to succeed.
  • Include constantly improved handling of work environment issues and our work environment performance.
  • Create conditions for better performance as well as personal and professional development.
  • Involve decentralized and personal responsibility for health and the environment in daily work, e.g. by following regulations, routines and decisions.

Producer responsibility

As a distributor and downstream user, we require suppliers / manufacturers to comply with the REACH Regulation.