Shoes and boots
Good work shoes, safety shoes, and boots protect the feet from impacts and falling objects, and also prevent incorrect loading and wear and tear injuries. They can be complemented with an insole for the best fit and support.
Choosing the right work shoes
Choosing the right type of work shoes is not always easy. Often, you may not think of all the different types of risks you expose yourself to. It is important to think through what type of protection you need. Do you need a toe cap and/or puncture-resistant sole? Do you work in environments where you need to consider that the shoe has good grip? Ventilated and waterproof may be other requirements for your feet to feel good during a workday. Learn more about how to choose shoes with the right properties for your work environment. We can help you with the choice of work shoes.
In general, you should consider that the work you are going to do is crucial in the choice of safety shoes. Safety shoes should be used where regular shoes are not enough to protect the feet. They should be used from the start of the job until it is finished to avoid serious consequences. This applies, among other things, to warehouses and construction sites where there is risk of dropping something heavy on your feet. Here we can help you with the choice of different types of toe caps.
All safety and occupational shoes in our product range meet EN standards and applicable norms for occupational safety in various professions. Learn more about our standards for work shoes here.
What work shoe should I use to avoid foot injuries?
To avoid foot injuries, the right shoe for the right need is a good start. Start by analyzing what risks your work environment exposes your feet to. After that, it is easier to determine what type of shoe you need. If you have or are on the way to having problems with back/hip/uneven loading, it may also be important to have an adapted insole. Keep in mind that a shoe has a lifespan and loses some properties over time, such as shock absorption, slip resistance, stability, and more. Learn more about the risk area of foot injuries.